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 Notary On The Run: 2 companies same name?
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Posted - 07/07/2015 :  2:27:58 PM  Show Profile  Visit Melcolbert's Homepage  Reply with Quote
On April 18, 2015, I accepted a rush job on a Saturday afternoon, from "Jennifer" via text message. Agreed to less than my normal rate, and took the time away from my husband (who only has weekends off) to take care of this job. I promptly emailed my invoice. 45 days later,on June 1, I emailed my invoice (again) after speaking to Jennifer. This is Notary On The Run in Los Angeles. She had also encouraged me to complete an application to join their pool of notaries, which I did - except I had to fax it again because the fax number on the website was their old one - (leaving me to wonder who got my highly confidential information!) Jennifer texted me on the evening of June 2 that she had submitted my invoice to accounting. Then,she immediately texted me again asking if I was available to do a rush job at a hospital. She told me it was a cash on delivery job and that I could "take what we owe you out of the cash"! ??? I have never heard of such nonsense - and besides, if she had submitted my invoice to accounting, that would screw up the books! I told her I had to pick up my husband at the airport and could not do it. When I called her 15 days later, she claimed the accountant was only there twice a month. Here it is, almost 90 days, and she has failed to reply to my last two texts asking for status of payment. I left voice mail on the office phone number for the acctg dept. There are several negative reviews that have been hidden on YELP. I may be about to add one more.

Edited by - Melcolbert on 07/07/2015 2:28:48 PM
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Posted - 11/07/2012 :  8:17:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit jbelmont's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Boy, what a nightmare. I just got emailed from Notary On The Run in Los Angeles on Sepulveda Blvd. They claim they are getting a bad rap based on complaints about the OTHER Notary On The Run in Anaheim which has tons of complaints. It just isn't fair for a reputable company to be penalized just because they chose an infamous name!

How can we keep these two outfits straight? The one in Los Angeles is incorporated by the state of California which is one way to tell them apart. You can not have two corporations by the same name in the same state.

If you comment about these guy(s), please mention the city they are in so we keep them straight.

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