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Utah Notary Search

Welcome to the Utah mobile notary page. Find an Utah Notary Public by city, county, or zip code by clicking on the links below. Find an UT notary who accepts edocs using the search bar above. Get listed as an Utah notary public with us today! Click on the advertise with us link at the top of the page to sign up. You can find additional search methods for finding a notary in Utah on the advanced search page.

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Utah Notary Information

UT - Mobile Notary Fees
The state mileage rate is the maximum that a notary may charge as a travel fee. Additionally, the notary must verbally agree upon this travel fee prior to the notarization with the client.

Utah Notary Fees
Acknowledgments $10.00 per signature 
Certified Copies $10.00 per page certified 
Jurats $10.00 per signature 
Oaths and Affirmations without signatures $10.00 each 
Immigration Forms $10.00 per set 
Updated Jan 2020  

Other Interesting Information
We have many informative discussions on our forum about states that have travel fee restrictions. Just visit our forum and use the search function to look up the term travel fee.

Utah Acknowledgment Wording / Verbiage
When taking an acknowledged signature, the document can be signed prior to when the signer personally appears before the notary public.

State of Utah
County of ________________
On this ____ day of _____, in the year 20__, before me,
(notary name), a notary public, personally appeared, ___________ (signer name) , proved on the basis of satisfactory
evidence to be the person(s) whose name is subscribed to
this instrument, and acknowledged he executed the same.
Witness my hand and official seal.

(official seal)

_____________________(signature of the notary)
Printed Name of Notary

Utah Jurat Wording / Verbiage
Jurats are used for documents or written statements that need an accompanying sworn Oath.

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 1st day of July,
2010 by John Doe (signer name).

(official seal)

______________________(signature of notary)
Printed Name of Notary

State of Utah
County of _______________

Dual State Notary Commission Information
If you are an Idaho notary residing in Idaho, or a Colorado notary, you may not become a Utah Notary as Utah Notaries are required to be residents of the state to qualify for a commission.