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Read reviews for Joe Kish, Florida Notary Public
9423 Lita Road West Jacksonville, FL 32257

Joseph Kish recently handled a closing for us with Hancock Whitney and the experience was terrific and efficient (as was the experience with Hancock Whitney). Joseph explained every document in full and we were closed in less than one hour. On top of that Joseph was a delightful guy to meet and visit with. So thanks! Pete & Jan Kenning

Pete KENNING on 29/03/2020 08:13:34 AM

One of the best notarys I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Mr. kish is extremely professional even in a hectic situation and very willing to help,Even if it means calling him out at 10:00 pm. After hours prices are affordable! I would highly recommend Mr. Kish to everyone needing notary services!

Ervin Padgett on 25/04/2017 09:37:57 AM

Pne of the best notarys I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Mr. kish is extremely professional even in a hectic situation and very willing to help,Even if it means calling him out at 10:00 pm. After hours prices are affordable! I would highly recommend Mr. Kish to everyone needing notary services!

Ervin Padgett on 25/04/2017 09:35:58 AM

Joe was very prompt and professional. He went the extra mile to meet our needs and was thorough in reviewing our closing documents.

Matt Thomas on 10/07/2013 10:08:55 AM


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